Another serious disease of our time is octeochondrosis. His first activity may still appear in his youth, when he spent a lot of time sitting in front of a computer or in front of a notebook, suddenly starting up in the driver's seat. Most become such that it is difficult for the head to turn or "lift" off the pillow. After a few days, the exercise usually passes and it may take a few months until the next arrival and there may be a flight. Don't be fooled though! The first thing is a serious warning that the mechanism of disruptive and disruptive change in your organization has already begun. To understand this, let's try to understand what octeochondrosis is and why it is necessary to start treating it with the first symptoms.

What is osteochondrosis?
Osteochondrosis is a complex dystrophic change of the spine, in which the following stages can be distinguished:
- Dystrophic changes in the cartilage tissue of the intervertebral discs, as a result of which movements become constrained and cause feelings of discomfort (stage I)
- Disc deformation and gradual decrease in intervertebral distance (stage II).
- Disc herniation formation (stage III)
- Formation of the spine (osteophytes) and ossification of the ligaments, making movement very difficult and painful (stage IV)
Hernia education is a difficult process, which will be devoted to entire sections. However, you should know by now that such a serious illness will occur if the event cannot be treated at the right time. Therefore, that you had a premonition that such a flock, let's describe it in two words. For this, it is necessary to go back to the anatomy and remember the device of the spine and the disk of the spine.
Dystrophy of the spinal disc leads to the weakening of its fibrous ring and the displacement of the amber of the disc head (nucleus), as a result of which, under the load, the ring breaks and the nucleus exits the disc - looking the inadvertently heavy load
To togo chtoby identify nalichie octeohondpoza, ocobenno nA pannih ctadiyah, kogda ne ickpivlenie daot explicit vneshnih ppiznakov, a takzhe oppedelit ego nappavlennoct and ctepen, neobhodimo cdelat magnicfiyutno-regenent and also allows you to accurately determine the angle. Based on the doctor's description and the MPT images, the specialist will work out the correct treatment plan for the patient, which is safe and healthy.
Types of vertebral osteochondrosis
Osteochondrosis is of several types
- Cervical - the most common, as it affects both the young and the elderly.
- Thoracic - is relatively rare.
- Lumbar: develops after 40 years.
- Sacral - usually passes from the lower back.
- Widespread: affects several departments or even the entire spine.
In this same sequence, the spontaneous development of this disease often occurs: starting from the upper cervical vertebrae and ending with the spontaneous and spontaneous ones.
But it happens that the type of octochondrosis is associated with human activity. Thus, the cervical is usually widespread among students, contractors and all other presenters of "brain" occupations, although some of them have a long neck. dpygih ppedctaviteley "cidyachih" c ypetsialnoctey and c DIPETSILTSOCTEY! Pectoral occultation is also often observed on those who stand on their legs almost all day, as the latter is kept on the ground in the middle of the war.
The reasons for the appearance and development of osteochondrosis
However, osteochondrosis is not just a disease of a sedentary lifestyle, poor posture or a consequence of weight lifting. There are many more factors and reasons for the onset of this disease.
We highlight only the main ones:
- Improper diet with insufficient amount of protein and high - sugar and fat.
- Disrupted metabolism and hormonal imbalance.
- Infectious diseases.
- Hypothermia.
- Weight gain and obesity.
- Spine injury.
- Age-related bone degeneration.
- Hereditary diseases.
- Fatigue.
The main symptoms of osteochondrosis
Cervical osteochondrosis:
- Pain in the neck and head (can give under the shoulder blade, in the breastbone and in the arm).
- Vertigo, especially when changing positions in the head.
- Numbness in the areas of the neck, face, tongue, subscapularis.
Thoracic osteochondrosis:
- Chest pain that may increase with inspiration and movement.
- Feeling of numbness in the chest.
- Pain in the lumbar region (can be aching or sharp), which radiates to the legs, and the localization of pain in the legs can move along the entire length of the limb.
- Paresis of the legs (violation or even loss of sensation).
Pain in osteochondrosis is of a specific neurological nature. Hence, people tend to accept headaches, dizziness, numb sensations or pain in the legs as direct manifestations of head or leg disease, although these may be symptoms of vertebral osteochondrosis. Therefore, if you notice something alarming about your state of health, coinciding with the signs above, be sure to visit a neurologist. After examining the doctor, if this disease is suspected, he will certainly prescribe an X-ray examination.
The main methods of treatment of osteochondrosis
Before treating osteochondrosis, you must first eliminate the causes of its appearance.
More Effective Back Pain Relief:
- Therapeutic gymnastics (exercises for back pain).
- MLS laser (after the 2nd session the pain disappears).
- Khivamat (a unique procedure that relieves pain immediately, but you have to walk 2 - 3 times. ).
The very elimination of the causes of the progression of osteochondrosis is also the main method of treatment and prevention.

Prevention and non-drug treatment
This is mainly:
- Active (mobile) lifestyle and sports.
- Normal food with a protein diet that excludes fats and sugars.
- Physiotherapy (physical therapy) with a series of exercises selected individually for each type of osteochondrosis.
- Physiotherapy (magnetotherapy, ultrasound treatment, electrophoresis, laser therapy).
- Massage, manual skills and reflexology.
However, such a conservative method of treatment is suitable for prophylaxis, to prevent the progression of osteochondrosis, and not in the active period of the disease. But how to treat this ailment, if it is running, its manifestations are obvious, and a person has a stage of exacerbation, namely:
- pain and fever;
- limited and difficult movement.
In this case, physical therapy and physiotherapy are categorically contraindicated and only pharmacological methods are used.
Pharmacological treatment methods
First of all, it is necessary to stop the pain and relieve the inflammatory process in the irritated nerve root. To this end, the following are appointed:
- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs);
- steroid anti-inflammatory drugs - corticosteroids, glucocorticoids;
- novocaine blockade (with severe pain);
- drugs to relieve muscle spasm;
- pain relieving ointments, gels and creams.
The second phase of treatment includes:
- The use of vasodilators: osteochondrosis always coexists with vasoconstriction and oxygen starvation of the brain (hence the headache and dizziness).
- Appointment of drugs that calm the nervous system: patients with this ailment are always anxious and suspicious, in most cases they are very frightened by the first attacks of the disease.
- Treatment of concomitant phenomena: it can be hypertension and cardiac dysfunction.
- Treatment must be prescribed by a neurologist, in the form of droppers, injections and pills.
Don't try to cure the disease on your own!
At the end of the acute period and the normalization of well-being, return to non-drug preventive methods of treatment: physical therapy, massage and physiotherapy - in the absence of contraindications.
Cheers to you!